photo-post Achievement unlocked: two different animal species spending the night in the same coop Achievement unlocked: two different animal species spending the night in the same coop. The geese are on the ground, the turkeys on top. The geese kept going after the turkeys, but they took the higher road. ;) Just the way they like it. #poultrylife #turkeysandgeese #gansos #perus #vidanocampo
photo-post The egg hunt continues The egg hunt continues. One egg was found on a safe sheltered spot giving us hope. But three others were found just by the water, very exposed to everything. All the ducks did come together to stand between me and their treasure. #ducklife #duckeggs #muscovybehaviour #vidadepato #vidanocampo #patosmudos
photo-post The debate about using only native plants in our gardens might be strong but both the local sage leaf rock rose (estevinha) and the cabbage flowers are being visited by bees and butterflies The debate about using only native plants in our gardens might be strong but both the local sage leaf rock rose (estevinha) and the cabbage flowers are being visited by bees and butterflies. #nativeplants #rockrose #estevinha #cabbageflowers #vidanocampo #permacultureportugal #permacultura #agrofloresta
photo-post Two ducks have been laying eggs together but in a very exposed area so I've been moving them to their previous nesting spot Two ducks have been laying eggs together but in a very exposed area so I've been moving them to their previous nesting spot. Today, I went to say goodnight and found this! 4 of the eggs were out of the nest... I had no idea what happened but
photo-post It is raining! 💦 "Abril, águas mil" It is raining! 💦 "Abril, águas mil" But not on our goslings, it is still too soon. Brought them back to the coop, which is covered in ground cover they can eat. Life is good for these birds. #goslings #raisinggeese #vidanocampo
photo-post The goslings had a great time in the greenhouse, sheltered and comfortable The goslings had a great time in the greenhouse, sheltered and comfortable. As a bonus, they made progress on weeding the place. #naturalweedcontrol #goslings #geeselife #farmlife #vidanocampo