You can now buy our duck eggs (Silver Coast, Portugal)

A photo is easier than a thousand words

All our content from Instagram is now also here, in the Photo Blog section.

A photo is easier than a thousand words

Writing a long form post takes time, so many things just don't get written about here. Taking a photo is easy, but posting it here was not. To reconcile this, we started posting as on Instagram since their app makes it very easy.

As of today, the final piece of the puzzle is in place: all our content from Instagram is also here, in the Photo Blog section. The images and their brief captions mostly show day to day life and work in the garden.

Technical details

A key requirement was to host the images ourselves and not just embed Instagram posts. This required syncing the Instagram posts to our Ghost blog and we started with this script by Thomas Clowes. Quite a few changes were needed to get it to work with up to date dependencies and APIs, as well as to behave the way we wanted it to.

The resulting code is available on Github. It's not pretty and there's no documentation, but perhaps someone will find it useful.