photo-post Pruned the shoots from this plane tree that we cut a year ago Pruned the shoots from this plane tree that we cut a year ago. It'll keep coming back but we'll keep cutting it until it stops: it was one of its roots that punctured the water pipe a couple weeks ago. #pruning #planetree
photo-post Cutting down the remaining two plane trees (plátanos) 🥺 Cutting down the remaining two plane trees (plátanos) 🥺 After the water pipe puncture the other week (the second one since we moved in), it was clear that they were in the wrong place. #platano #planetree #treefelling
photo-post A bunch of willow, poplar, and plane tree cuttings being prepared for planting A bunch of willow, poplar, and plane tree cuttings being prepared for planting. #planting #cuttings #willow #poplar #planetree #platano
photo-post Cleaning branches pruned from the plane trees in the fall Cleaning branches pruned from the plane trees in the fall. The large ones will be used for windbreaks, climbing plants, etc. The smaller ones will be mulch, either as is or after further shredding. #planetree #prunings
photo-post Plane tree (plátano) canopy pruned to horizontal to make to for water to enter underneath Plane tree (plátano) canopy pruned to horizontal to make to for water to enter underneath. The bare soil around was covered with plastic and stones until recently, now mulched and seeded with dandelion and nettle. #planetree #platano #mulch #dandelions #nettles