photo-post Cleaning the new berry patch and some of the access routes around it Cleaning the new berry patch and some of the access routes around it. #cleaning #berrypatch
photo-post Flowering raspberries in the new berry patch Flowering raspberries in the new berry patch. All the plants there are thriving so far. The fertile soil and plentiful moisture is making a big difference. #raspberry #floweringplant #berrypatch
photo-post Finished mulching the new berry patch Finished mulching the new berry patch. It's the thickest mulch we've done so far, let's see if it makes a difference. #berrypatch #mulch
photo-post New berry patch progress all planted New berry patch progress all planted. Thick mulching in progress. #planting #berries #berrypatch
photo-post Cleaning up this area for a new berry patch Cleaning up this area for a new berry patch. #cleaning #berrypatch
photo-post Before and after mowing the berry world Before and after mowing the berry world. #mowing #berries #berrypatch
photo-post Spreading #manure around the #berrypatch and #mulching the exposed soil areas there Spreading #manure around the #berrypatch and #mulching the exposed soil areas there