Unfortunate coincidence or worrisome problem spreading? We found one of the Muscovy ducklings on its back this morning, unable to turn over without help

Unfortunate coincidence or worrisome problem spreading? We found one of the Muscovy ducklings on its back this morning, unable to turn over without help.
It looked a lot like what's been plaguing the goslings and, for an afternoon, one of the Khaki Campbell ducklings. We don't know what it is, but suspect either nutrition issues - so we switched their feed, or an infection - so we're giving them a 5 day course of antibiotics.
The Khaki Campbell duckling recovered after one night. The goslings seem very tired but haven't fallen more, and are eating and drinking (and sleeping a lot).
The Muscovy duckling seemed fine after being helped up, so maybe, hopefully, it was a coincidence...