We are selling Duck Eggs !

Our ducks have been a delightful surprise this year, laying eggs with gusto long before the arrival of spring. We've been thrilled to enjoy their fresh, flavourful eggs on a regular basis, but our flock has grown so large that we've found ourselves with more eggs than we can consume ourselves.

With an abundance of eggs on hand, we decided to embark on an experiment: selling our surplus to the local community. This endeavour has been an eye-opening experience, revealing a fascinating dynamic between familiarity and culinary perception.

Surprisingly, those with a passing acquaintance with us have been eager to purchase our eggs, often raving about their rich flavour and versatility in the kitchen. However, strangers have been more hesitant, seemingly intimidated by the unorthodox nature of duck eggs.

This means there is some groundwork to do in terms of giving confidence and trust about the unique qualities and culinary versatility of duck eggs. They're not just a quirky alternative to chicken eggs; they're a culinary gem packed with nutrients and flavour.

One potential solution is to implement a subscription model, catering to those who have already sampled our eggs and developed a taste for them. However, this approach requires a consistent supply of eggs, which we can't guarantee with our ever-growing duck family.

Despite the challenges, we're immensely grateful for the opportunity to share the fruits of our garden with others. This marks a significant milestone for our home and land, and it fills us with pride and gratitude.

Our ducks live a great life, and they have enriched our lives in countless ways, providing us with joy, pest control services, fertilization, companionship, and a steady supply of delicious eggs. Now, they're seamlessly integrated into our agricultural ecosystem, providing a bounty that we can share with others.

What could be more fulfilling than nurturing life, sharing the fruits of our labour, and fostering a deeper connection with our community?